
A, B, C, D/NE, F/NE grading system to be implemented in fall

PE/NE grading can be applied to “any subject including those used to fulfill” GIRs, “minor,” and “departmental requirements.” The decision to grade a class under PE/NE “must be made by drop date,” Danheiser wrote.



Barnhart said that she was “confident” that even “if conditions do not get better,” the plan to invite all first years, sophomores, and juniors on-campus in the spring can “remain intact.”



The form asks students to indicate their housing intentions for the fall, their residence hall and rooming preferences, and their preferred move-in date and time. 



FLI leaders Eleane Lema ‘21 and Tanner Bonner ‘22 wrote in an email to The Tech that the original distribution of the grant “directly excluded low-income students” because only students with an EFC greater than $5,000 were eligible to receive the full grant.


Task Force 2021 and Beyond discusses its goals and organization during forum

Ironside said that the task force’s goal is to develop a “blueprint for a better and stronger” post-COVID-19 MIT “through broad community engagement and thorough analysis.” Reif added that the task force does not “wait for the future to happen to us” but instead hopes to “create the future we want for us.”

常见酸酸乳客户端功能介绍&使用教程 - 神伋綺凜の随波逐流:2021-4-4 · 本篇说明仅供交流与学习使用,请勿作出任何违反国家法律的行为。本说明书包含 Windows、Android、iOS、MacOS 端的酸酸乳客户端的功能介绍和使用方法的详细介绍伍及常见问题解决。 Ben Kettle–The Tech

UA-led BLM fundraiser matches over $25,000 in donations to five organizations

As of press time, the UA has received receipts from 138 donations, totaling $27,000, from students, alumni, staff, and faculty.


SAT/ACT requirement suspended for 2023–2021 admissions cycle

SS-Tap - Windows - 爱国富强学院:操作完成后,关闭 SSR 订阅管理的窗口,等待几秒 后。具体时间取决于您的网络环境,将看到 几鸡 节点列表,然后在列表中选择 所需的节点, 然后根据需求选择 所需的模式。 点击连接,完成爱国富强。



The website writes that students will be sent an email with a link to the application July 17, and the SHARP team plans to release decisions by the end of next week. Students whose applications are rejected may submit an appeal.

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The strangest game of duck, duck, goose

win7旗舰版激活密钥2021_Windows7旗舰版激活神key[多图 ...:2021-6-5 · 由于是暴风激活小编网上收集的密匙,如果遇到不能激活,请下载暴风激活工具进行永久激活win7旗舰版!KH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBYTFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YK236TW

album review

鸡柳炸几分钟 带你了解一下做法_伊秀经验:2021-2-27 · 一般8-10分钟左右即可。1、将鸡肉洗净,切成2英尺厚、1英尺宽的条。2、将土豆碎片与面包屑、适量盐、胡椒,放在浅盘中混合。3、鸡蛋打散后,把切好的鸡肉条浸在蛋液中,然后再均匀裹上的面包屑混合物。4、锅烧热后,放入鸡条,

‘Gaslighter’ feels lived through with its consistently strong and moving vocals and instrumentals.

album review

rclone挂载Google Drive到VPS教程 | XZYMOE'S BLOG:2021-4-2 · 本教程使用的是CentOS,至于是Debian及其发行版本的修改下源即可。 更换源与软件下载 1.由于官网源更新滞后(毕竟是为伋业服务的),安装第三方的EPEL源。 #安装EPEL源 yum -y install epel-release 2.安装fuse及fuse-devel依赖 #安装依赖 yum -y install

Overall the album is very cohesive, with each song having Benjamin’s trademark minimalist vocals and extremely well-written lyrics.

9461 giraffe frog
This giraffe feels special. Why? Because of his frog friends, of course! Wenbo Wu–The Tech
movie review

VULTR 2021年全部优惠码盘点(支持支付宝) - 知乎:2021-5-2 · 2021年八月三十日下午,vultr正式支持了支付宝付款了,振奋人心2333.小白伊除了搬瓦工又有新的选择了。 (后台已经可伍看到支付宝Alipay的支付选项了)于是我趁机在专栏水一发,盘点一下2021年vultr全部优惠码。

The Hallmark-esque romcom industry consistently churns out the same storylines dressed up in different costumes. Netflix’s Feel the Beat is no exception to this classic formula.

album review


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9460 the vast of night tvon coloredandconformed 10 24 17 5 11 pm.01 55 52 14.still008 125 grain rgb   liane xu
Sierra McCormick stars as Fay in Andrew Patterson’s first feature, ‘The Vast of Night.’ Courtesy of Amazon Studios
movie review

There’s somethin’ in the sky!

‘The Vast of Night’ is an ambitious and relevant sci-fi tale focusing on ignored voices of the 1950s, with the flavor of radio plays and ‘Twilight Zone’ episodes that could just as well be a spine-chilling rumor heard through the short grapevines of middle-America.


Our strategic plan for the strategic plan

We are demanding reforms to graduate admissions and faculty hiring procedures; concrete department- and Institute-level support for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives; transparency and accountability for bad actors; and material support for all graduate students at MIT, including the social sciences which are an important source of anti-oppressive research.

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NAT VPS如何开启SSR伍及v2ray-Duang's Blog:2021-12-17 · 其实很简单,大家看一看就好。搭建ssr和v2ray用的脚本就是常用的脚本,但是搭建好ssr和v2ray之后呢,显示的ip是错误的。例如:咱伊只需要在使用的时候,在手机或者电脑的ssr客户端上,将ip换成怎伊自己的ipv6地址就行了lxc机型的bbrnat vps绝大 ...

‘Looking for Alaska’ follows bookish teen Miles “Pudge” Halter as he transfers from Miami to a boarding school in Alabama in order to find, in the words of French poet François Rabelais, his “Great Perhaps.”

9455 image1
Am I Welcome? (1/5) Tianyuan "Margaret" Zheng '23
Am I Welcome? (3/5) Tianyuan "Margaret" Zheng '23
Am I Welcome? (2/5) Tianyuan "Margaret" Zheng '23
9458 image4
Am I Welcome? (4/5) 玩机大学 - CCCiTU:微信在今天提示虫子菌,公众号 玩个机吧 该年审了,在付了每年都是 300元的年审费后,我将 玩个机吧网 改为了 CCC …
9459 image5
Am I Welcome? (5/5) 利用sstap加速游戏教程(超低性价比) - 『精品软件区』 - 吾 ...:2021-10-28 · 教程向,延迟100——200左右,对于吃鸡来说是足够的 延迟阻碍不大,除非遇到服务器高峰期 微博道歉不仅仅加速游戏还可伍加速游戏更新比如橘子。 利用sstap加速游戏教程(超低性价比) ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|

ICE and DHS agree to rescind July 6 directive on international students

Burroughs said that the rescission of the guidelines “moots” the temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction motion requested in MIT and Harvard’s lawsuit and will “preclude the enforcement” of the July 6 directive and its FAQ “on a nationwide basis.”


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UA and GSC join amicus brief filed in DHS, ICE lawsuit

The brief writes that international students have “contributed immeasurably to the advancement of American higher education and to the American economy,” whose “participation has become an integral part of the American educational experience.”

  • ICE and DHS agree to rescind July 6 directive on international students

  • MIT graduate students, Barnhart, and Waitz file declarations in lawsuit against DHS and ICE

  • UA and GSC join amicus brief filed in DHS, ICE lawsuit

  • UA hosts forum to discuss MIT’s Fall 2023 opening decision

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  • ios如何连接海外网络

  • Research ramp-up expands to non-laboratory facilities

  • Read more in News »

Use technology to allow students back on campus

I strongly recommend that MIT use its intellectual and financial resources to implement technological approaches that will allow a phased return of undergraduates to campus over the next few months.


MIT’s recycling rate in FY 2023 was 36%: here’s how we do better

2021 Class Council requests guaranteed on-campus access for incoming seniors

The MIT senior year experience is grounded in the fulfillment of an MIT education, which extends beyond what a year of virtual schooling can sufficiently provide. As seniors embark on the journey of their final year at MIT, a presence on campus will be essential for their success, and favorable...

  • Use technology to allow students back on campus

  • MIT’s recycling rate in FY 2023 was 36%: here’s how we do better

  • 2021 Class Council requests guaranteed on-campus access for incoming seniors

  • ios如何连接海外网络

  • 绝地求生查看fps方法 吃鸡提升fps教程_特玩绝地求生专区 ...:2021-2-27 · 绝地求生查看fps方法 吃鸡提升fps教程,很多玩家电脑配置可能是中低端水平一直担心玩不好绝地求生,下面两种方法都可伍在游戏中随时查看自己的帧数FPS。 登录自己的STEAM,点击左上角steam---设置 在设置界面 选择“游戏中” 进入“游戏中”设置界面,在图中圈出的位置可伍设置FPS显示位置 …

  • Anti-Asian racism: the neglected strain of COVID-19

  • War criminals fit right in at MIT

  • Read more in Opinion »

前端教程丨手把手教你用 Next.js 搭建个人博客,从入门到吃 ...:2021-12-18 · 前端教程丨手把手教你用 Next.js 搭建个人博客,从入门到吃鸡 转 o osc_8s3utzxr 发布于 15分钟前 字数 1667 阅读 19 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0 react javascript next #程序员薪资揭榜#你做程序员几年了?月薪多少?发量还在么?>>> React.js 是现今前端最火的应用 ...

‘Gaslighter’ feels lived through with its consistently strong and moving vocals and instrumentals.

‘folklore’: a melodic anthology of quarantine musings

‘folklore’ is the third in a string of albums of drastically different aesthetics, following revenge-fueled ‘Reputation’ and bubblegum-pop ‘Lover.’

‘Looking for Alaska,’ a sweet fantasy that transcends the adaptation

‘Looking for Alaska’ follows bookish teen Miles “Pudge” Halter as he transfers from Miami to a boarding school in Alabama in order to find, in the words of French poet François Rabelais, his “Great Perhaps.”

  • The Chicks discover liberation in divorce

  • ‘folklore’: a melodic anthology of quarantine musings

  • NAT VPS的正确食用方式 - tlanyan:2021-6-6 · NAT VPS是共享同一个公网ip(v4)地址,通过端口映射方式向外通信和提供服务的VPS。NAT VPS的主要缺点是能使用的端口有限制,优点是便宜,价格一般比普通的vps要便宜。本文给出NAT VPS的正确食用方式,并介绍一些NAT VPS商家。

  • 冬天博客 - 个人博客:兼容SS、SSR Feb 16 2021 白嫖扶墙至上:永久免费蚂蚁加速器!安卓,苹果,Mac,Windows全平台通用的加速器 Feb 16 2021 SSR(酸酸乳)安卓手机简单设置科学上网教程 Feb 16 2021 SSR 电脑设置科学上网完整图文教程 Feb 16 2021 SS 手机版简单设置实现

  • ‘Tigertail’ is a flawed portrait of an immigrant family

  • A first look at ‘Kami no Tou’

  • An epic adventure from the comforts of my bed

  • Read more in Arts »
9436 2023 mvb


Sailing seniors appreciate their time on and off the water

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Women’s tennis coach honors her team’s efforts

“Although our season was cut short and we only got to play 5 team matches, I felt that we had already come a long way in being invested in each other and in competing hard for each other.”

  • Men’s Volleyball coach highlights a season cut short

  • Sailing seniors appreciate their time on and off the water

  • Women’s tennis coach honors her team’s efforts

  • Men’s Tennis reflects on its shortened season

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  • MIT Men’s Lacrosse seniors discuss their final season

  • MIT Baseball reflects on its shortened season

  • 几鸡ssr教程
Campus Life
9455 image1

Am I welcome?



9444 ttime2

The Stonewall Riots and the origins of American gay pride

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  • Stitches

  • The Stonewall Riots and the origins of American gay pride

  • On being the letter ‘Q’

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  • Life is not a binary string of successes and failures

  • A ten-step guide to living in a pandemic

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9448 caterpillar1


Scientific collaboration in the era of COVID-19

Scientists across MIT and neighboring institutions are coming together to study the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2.

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  • Scientific collaboration in the era of COVID-19

  • Fighting coronavirus through research

  • Engineering nuclear policy

  • The Holten-Andersen Group’s approach to bio-inspired materials

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